By Halo1234
United Kingdom
Rhododendron flowers dont open. Last year the majority of my Rhododendron flowers failed to open & the ones that did, only lasted days. So I made an effort to water more this year & added ericaceous compost. This year all the flowers failed to open. I'm wondering if it's still not getting enough water. It's in full sun most of the day this time of year, which I guess won't help. It's now been in that spot for 3 years.
Any suggestions? My next idea was to move it somewhere else.
9 May, 2011
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evergreen shrubs
Thanks Moon Growe think it's time for a move. I've got a Cistus that needs some more sun, so will swap them around.
9 May, 2011
I had a rhodo' (Sun Fire) in a pot in the sun last year - - it didn't like it one little bit!!!
I moved it to a shady place earlier this year and it has improved amazingly.
Hope yours did Halo1234.
25 Aug, 2013
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I think you have answered your own question rhododendrons do not like being in full sun they need semi shade. When you say you 'added ericaceous compost' does this mean you soil is alkaline? If so you will either need to dig out a planting hole much larger than the rootball part fill with ericaceous compost, plant the rhodo and then complete the filling of the hole with the compost or plant in a very large container of e. compost.
9 May, 2011