By Joy31
United Kingdom
My dwarf cherry tree started to grow and has stopped can you help I am new to growing things
9 May, 2011
Hi Bamboo thank you for your reply....sorry I have only just seen it.....I planted it in the ground along with a Plum, Pear and Apple back in oct/nov last year...I have fed them with blood bone stuff since March this year about 3 times now and I water them every other day as I do my pots at the same time. The Plum Pear and apple have leaves to varing degrees but nothing has any blossom and none have fruit....The Cherry tree started to bud and the leaves opened slightly but thats as far as it got...I planted an established apple tree at the same time which has quite a lot of leaves but no blossom or fruit....but it does have a white mass around some of the brances which I dont understand ...if you wipe it off it goes like a bloody mass in your fingers as if you have killed insects...really am new to this ...have grown plants and veg before but not trees so am in the dark here lol...thank you again for your reply ...regards Joy31.
17 May, 2011
Joy, please read my blog on Watering, think its called Watering for Beginners - you can access it by clicking on my avatar, and when you get to my profile page, click on blogs and select the right one. It's not very long, but worth reading. You're not watering correctly, basically, and the blog will explain why - much better to leave the hose on a slow trickle at the base of the tree for at least an hour every 5 or 6 days (this is the best) or to pour 2 gallons of water round it every 5 or 6 days, and nothing in between.
As for the white stuff, could be scale, could be mildew, could be mealy bug - unfortunately, fruit trees are prone to quite a few infestations and fungal infections.
17 May, 2011
Previous question
« whats biting the fat buds off my established oriental poppies
Water, water, water - how long have you had it and is it in a pot or the ground?
9 May, 2011