By Annabella
United Kingdom
Hi, About a month again I brought a Dwarf Plum Gold Dust(courod) it seems to be doing well on the patio. I really need your help on 2 things firstly it is still in the pot I brought it in as they said to leave it like that for the 1st year but it seems so small(about 25cm) But the main thing is that it also seems to be shooting from the root as well do I cut that off,please help!!
9 May, 2011
Definitely cut off anything coming out from below the graft--usually an obvious bend at the base of the trunk.
As for leaving it in the original pot, I agree, that seems mighty small for a year's worth of growth. They may be trying to keep the tree from putting its energy into vegetative growth, and thereby putting off blooming and fruiting. In that small of a pot, though, you will really have to watch your watering and feeding.
10 May, 2011