By Aimankay
United Kingdom
Help with Vegetables in Planter
I have started to build a planter which is 1 meter long, 0.8m wide and about 30cm deep when finished. I would ideally like to grow courgettes and my wife wants an aubergine. I do like spinach and green onions and probably shallots. Will I be able to put them all together and what other suitable vegetables I could grow in them? I am planning to use ASDA brand compost for veg/ fruits and would like to keep the planter near a south facing wall which is covered from east and west with walls so no sunshine. Any feedback on my plans will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
9 May, 2011
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Hello aimankay,
I don't know much about growing veg but thought I'd reply because I have a planter with similar measurements which I first used last year. Mine gets the afternoon sun but is shaded from the north and south. In it I have successfully grown spring onions, lettuce and beetroot. There is not a lot of depth. (I tried carrots but was unsuccessful.)
Courgettes take up quite a lot of room. I grow courgettes and dwarf beans in in plastic buckets with holes drilled through the bottom. Much cheaper that pots the same size. They do very well but need quite a bit of watering.
9 May, 2011