By Jenko
United Kingdom
I am thinking of buying a Hydrangea 'Annabelle' but am concerned that they are labelled as reaching 8ft. Does anyone know if this plant can be kept between 3 - 5ft with annual pruning without loosing the flowers? I have seen quite a few of these in gardens and never seen anything even close to 8ft. Thanks.
9 May, 2011
Agreed, except that the best time to cut back is February. The harder you cut back the lower the plant grows before flowering. 8 feet tall is for an unpruned oap plant.
9 May, 2011
Thanks Bamboo & Owdboggy, I'll go ahead and get one and give the pruning a try.
13 May, 2011
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This is a variety of Hydrangea arborescens - it can be cut back hard in winter and it'll still flower the following year.
9 May, 2011