By Lulu33
United Kingdom
Please can anyone tell me which Clematis this is? It's a herbacious one with a funny name! (I lost it's tag!)

9 May, 2011
Nope! I know those ones Bamboo! But thanks for your reply!
9 May, 2011
Is it Multiblue?
9 May, 2011
I just went out to check the one flower I got on my multi blue for comparison (I think it was darker blue with darker stamens) and the wind's ripped it apart, lol! Perle D'Azur or Prince Charles? Though seems a bit early for those.
9 May, 2011
It looks like on of the Integrifolia group might be Integrifolia 'Arabella'
9 May, 2011
Jen h, Think you are right about Integrifolia, not Arabella, of which I have 3! It's taller and paler!
Thx Bamboo, that wind is a pain isn't it! But none of those! It's not in my Clem books.
When I am next passing our local(ish) clematis nursery, I will go ask the Clematis Guru!
10 May, 2011
Trouble is, it's hard to keep up - so many new ones have appeared in the last few years.
10 May, 2011
Thats true Bamboo, wish there was a really good clem book, trouble is, there are a few thousdand!
10 May, 2011
there is an Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Clematis which I'd love to have, but last published 2001, so probably not up to date anyway. There is also a British Clematis Society - haven't checked if they've a website or anything, but might be worth a look.
10 May, 2011
Good Web site the A-Z part is useful.
10 May, 2011
I went and looked in the clem nursery.....It's called Fukuzono!! It's flowering very early though, it's very pretty. I will cut it back when it's had it's first flush of flowers and it should flower lots more.
Thanks all for your help.
10 May, 2011
never heard of it!
10 May, 2011
Apparently quite hard to find now! The owner of the clem nusery is going to pop by and take a cutting!
10 May, 2011
Oh wow - there's me thinking its a new one...
10 May, 2011
Love the name, there could be a few variations on its pronunciation ;-)
10 May, 2011
At the nursery, it gave many a person a giggle!
The only new one I've bought recently is 'Rebecca' (along with 1,000's of others! and 'Avant Gard' in 2005, which was a Chelsea flower, it's wonderful, a Viticella small double, pink in the middle and red outer.
10 May, 2011
Sound lovely, Lulu :-)
10 May, 2011
Previous question
H. F. Young? Or Lasustern?
9 May, 2011