By Merrow
United Kingdom
Hi, could anyone tell me what this might be? its sprung up in a pot which has stargazer lilies in. The 'spots' on the leaves are maroony/purple colour. Thank you

10 May, 2011
Oh thank you Owd! I felt it was orchid of some sort because of the leaf formation. I am delighted! and will watch and wait.
10 May, 2011
Purple flowers usually. O. maculata is most likely.
10 May, 2011
Yes, I looked it up once I knew what I was looking for. After days of searching. I read its at home on the A27 which isnt so far from me. I'm tickled pink to have one move into a doorstep plantpot.
10 May, 2011
A clump of these appeared in one of my pots a couple of years back and I re-planted them into the garden where they are doing very well. I didn't plant them and don't know where they came from but they're very pretty.
10 May, 2011
Oh you lucky thing. That is a spotted orchid. Hardy in all its forms, but not sure which until it flowers.
10 May, 2011