i have a old pear tree and every year it blossoms well but then round about now the leaves turn black and the these little slug type things com all over the fruit and the leaves can you tell me how to cure it thank you dill
By Dilljill
i have a old pear tree and every year it blossoms well but then round about now the leaves turn black and the these little slug type things com all over the fruit and the leaves can you tell me how to cure it . thank you dill
10 May, 2011
A confusing array of symptoms, none of which fit a particular problem, so some questions for you. When it turns black, can you check the trunk, stems and backs of leaves and young buds for any signs of infestation by some sort of insect, or scale insect. Second, what colour are the caterpillars 'all over the tree' and when do you normally see these? Third, do these caterpillars damage the fruits in any way, and if so, how?
10 May, 2011