By Suzannahh
United Kingdom
I bought some small (but larger than plug) perennials from thompson & Morgan. I have put them into larger pots with compost (one pot per plant) and have been trying to grow them on - I keep them in a sheltered decking area and have been covering them at night with polythene cloches. Some of them seem to be thriving but other have died off - any ideas what I have done wrong? I thinking maybe too much water (been trying to keep them damp in the hot spell) or in direct sun for part of the day? All ideas welcome!
10 May, 2011
Could be water saturation, julien.
10 May, 2011
Judging from a recent blog from another member on here - the problem could be Tompson & Morgan!
11 May, 2011
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Depends on which perennials they are and what exactly you have been doing...
10 May, 2011