By Rebecca75
United Kingdom
i love growing stock for the scent: i hadn't planted any this year but i suspect some may have grown in a place i've planted before the thing is its about four feet high and fallen with light purple four petaled flowers,i first thought it was a weed but the scent has left me wondering so can stock grow that tall i havnt got a photo yet but will try to add one.
10 May, 2011
The leaves will tell you: Lunaria leaves are papery and heart-shaped, while Stock leaves are thick, felted gray-green, and narrow to sparsely lobed. The full, double-flowered spike form is rare in volunteer seedlings, but the scent is the same.
11 May, 2011
Could these be Lunaria, Honesty that have self seeded the flower description and height could sugest this, and they are Biennial, julien.
10 May, 2011