By Alextb
I cannot remember what type of irises I have, but I'm sure that they are Summer flowering ones. Most of my Summer plants are showing signs of flowering due to the hot weather we have been having in London.
The ones pictured below don't show any signs at all of getting reday to flower, just plenty of foliage.
When should they flower, and should they be showing any signs yet?
Thanks in advance

11 May, 2011
I only planted them recently. Maybe I should wait.
Dutch iris sounds right to me.
11 May, 2011
Ever hopeful, I've planted some of these every year since we moved here almost three years ago and this is the first year that any have flowered at all - and they are the ones I planted first. I wondered if they need to settle in for a year or two before flowering. Or maybe we can blame the weather?
11 May, 2011
It is always easier to blame someone or something else. It is never our fault.
Naughty weather.
Ignore the saying "A bad workman always blames his tools." This is not true when we do our best for the garden.
11 May, 2011
They look like Dutch irises to me - I have some and only one of them has a flower head on it this year - time to pull them out!
11 May, 2011