By Wales
United Kingdom
Do I cut back for the winter months or leave as it is?
25 Oct, 2008
Can you tell me what the flowers are like and when it flowered? Or - even - what its name is? Then I should be able to help you with pruning advice.
Sarra is right to tell you to leave it until the spring - but it may not need pruning at all! There are several Clematis that don't. Please contact us again for more help.
25 Oct, 2008
The herbaceous Clematis can be cut back now by the way, things like x jouineana, hendersoni, stans etc.
25 Oct, 2008
That's true - I haven't started on mine yet! Thanks for the reminder.
25 Oct, 2008
Only thought about it 'cos I have been doing some today. C. heraclefolia Wyevale is another to cut and of course C. integrifolia. UNLESS like one of ours they still have ripening seed on them which I want to sow.
25 Oct, 2008
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What type is it Wales? There are 3 groups. Whatever it is you are safe leaving it until spring then if it is group 3 it can be cut back then. Spritzhenry may be able to elaborate.
25 Oct, 2008