By Nigell
United Kingdom
Hi all
I have a European fan palm this the I think it has frost damage?branches are all turning/turned brown also some Will it recover?
12 May, 2011
turning/turned brown also some white on leafs yes it was like this back in march Will it recover?
12 May, 2011
Ah, well it might not then - this plant is not fully hardy here and may bite the dust in a severe winter. Nothing you can do except to keep it watered and cross your fingers.
12 May, 2011
If this is Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis), it may sprout new heads from the base, and the dead trunks can be cut off later.
14 May, 2011
Seems a bit late for you to start noticing damage from the winter - what did it look like in early March? If it was fine then, its much more likely to be suffering severe drought.
12 May, 2011