By Phoebewhite
United Kingdom
I have a lovely Indian Bean Tree my pride and joy (usually), this year however it has had a set back, when it had just started to show it's leaves we had quite a hard frost, will it come back this year or will it put all it's energies into recovering ready for next year?

12 May, 2011
I have a large catalpa over in the limousan france, and the weather is quite severe over there with some late frosts, however they do leaf up quite late, and ours has been touched by late frosts but always recovers and puts on a fantastic show of flowers with the leaves getting bigger as the season progresses, so i think you will be ok, let us know how it turns out thanks, julien.
12 May, 2011
Thanks for your answers, the same thing happened last year but the frost wasn't quite so severe, I hope it does recover as when it is really hot I put my garden bench under it and it is lovely and cool, also even if it rains the leaves are so large I stay dry, the tree itself is about 8-9 years old.
12 May, 2011
Same thing has happened to me Catulpa and Mulberry tree let me know how y get on
18 May, 2011
I don't know about Indian Bean trees, but usually, if a tree loses a significant proportion of leaves early on, it has another go and produces another lot. They'll probably be smaller, but it should recover.
This effect is used by bonsai-ers who strip a bonsai'd tree of its first production of leaves so that it produces smaller ones more in keeping with its small scale.
12 May, 2011