By Christinem
United Kingdom
i am hoping to grow a high hedge at my back garden for privacy i have seen what i would like but don't know the name of it. It is a burgundy colour with small round leaves what is the n ame of this.
14 May, 2011
I wondered if it could be Berberis, or maybe Pittosporum, as some of these are red.
14 May, 2011
Remember your hedge can't be higher than 6 foot.
14 May, 2011
Does that apply if it's growing between gardens MG? My brother and SIL had a neighbour with an ENORMOUS hedge between them - leylandii - must have been 40 feet high.
14 May, 2011
Hi my two next door and next door but one is growing leylandi and it must be 35/40ft as a back garden hedge, does not effect me.
14 May, 2011
So far as I know it specifically applies between gardens to stop the 40 foot monsters. Best to check with the local council what their bylaws are I guess.
Just found this which gives a lot of good clear info
14 May, 2011
Pittosporum is the hedging used between daffodil fields on the Scilly Isles, I'm told.
14 May, 2011
If a high hedge would shade a neighbour's garden or house they would have a strong case for the council to compel you to reduce the height. MG is right - most councils do have regulations to stop disputes between neighbours. And having lived on the wrong side of a leylandii hedge I couldn't agree more.
15 May, 2011
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I wonder if you mean Berberis. Does it have spikey anti-burglar thorns too because berberis normally does.
14 May, 2011