By Lubeelu
United Kingdom
Solanum Crispum - problems!
My Chilean Potato tree doesn't look very happy - the leaves are covered in holes! I do love this plant when healthy but this is the 3rd year in a row that the leaves have been attacked by something and although I keep inspecting it I've yet to find out what finds it so delicious! Does anyone have any ideas, or know what I can do? It also had a hard winter and I've had to take off a lot of dead branches so now it's very thin and not terribly happy looking. I think it's going to have to go. :(
13 May, 2011
Aphids sometimes like this plant but can you post a photo if the holes are round it might be leaf cutting bee? It needs to be pruned each spring back to a couple of buds and some of the old growth can be cut back each year. I supported my branches on wires as they were quite brittle. You can take cuttings for a new one July/August that worked for me.
14 May, 2011