By Marcusw
United Kingdom
Clematis and rhododendron have flowered. Is that it now for the rest of the year?

14 May, 2011
The rhodo will need to be kept watered and fed during the summer as that is when the flower buds for next spring are formed.
The clematis will need pruning - an area of total ignorance for me. I hope someone will be able to advise you about when and how much to prune. Get it wrong and kiss goodbye to flowers next year.
14 May, 2011
Is that a montana clematis, if so theres no need to prune.
14 May, 2011
We have to serious prune our montanas Cookygirl or the are right over the top of our potting shed roof.
14 May, 2011
Yes, montanas will happily spill out of their allotted space given half a chance but respond well to being chopped back soon after flowering. Mine will be getting a short back and sides this coming week and I know it will give an equally good if not better show again next year.
14 May, 2011
Thanks for the replies, I now need to understand how much I should prune. Lots of leaves appearing now. :-)
4 Jul, 2011
Yes perennial plants only have one flowering time, it can be longer or shorter but once they've flowered that is it for the year. The clematis will have fluffy seed heads that will look pretty too. The rhododendron will flower over a longer period that the clematis.
14 May, 2011