By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Nelly Moser...:-(((
I HAD a Nelly Moser in full bloom, intertwined with a Honeysuckle and Festuca glauca at its feet.That was yesterday!
TODAY the clematis has died...every bloom bar one...shrivelled up and totally dead. I am assuming Clematis wilt...and cut out as much as I could SEE. It's difficult as it is so intertwined with the Honeysuckle.Even the leaves have quickly!
WHAT do I do now, especially as I don't know if I've removed all of that stem? Do I cut it to the ground, including the Honeysuckle...or wait till Autumn and cut everything back then? It's in such a prominent position too!
Grrrr! The same thing happened 5 years one day, gone the next! Sorry, no photo....I acted very hastily!
14 May, 2011
Unlikely to be Clematis Wilt - it wouldn't happen overnight like that - over a couple of days possibly, but not overnight. Check the plant near the base to see if the stems have been broken - that would account for it.
14 May, 2011
Ooops! Hubby has just said it was looking 'poorly' the other day...NOW he tells me! LOL. I've been away! APPARENTLY, some of the flowers started to 'close up'...his expression... and he thought it just neeeded gave it loads. Two blooms at eye -level are still open...that's what I saw as I passed it last night...didn't notice the others, much higher up!
The stem seems intact, far as I can tell.
Helen...I could have WEPT! LOL.
14 May, 2011
Sorry...that should have said, ' two blooms at eye-level WERE still open last night'....they are no longer!
14 May, 2011
Nothing else you can do - hopefully you removed enough of the top growth to prevent the wilt from killing off the root - in which case it'll regrow either later this year or next spring.
14 May, 2011
If there is another stem in there, Bamboo, is it safe to leave it...or do I dig around tomorrow and get any remaining stems? It's so difficult to see WHICH stem is WHICH! The Festuca is huge and covers the whole of the base...completely!
It's pouring down now...but it won't last...never does!
14 May, 2011
Were it mine, I'd be determinedly seeking out any remaining stems for inspection, if not cutting back..
14 May, 2011
Ok...I take it ALL stems need removing then? In between the showers, I had another look. I think there might be a stem that still looks that possible? Would that also be affected soon...if left? There is one flower tucked in there. :-//
14 May, 2011
If any remaining stems are perfectly healthy, leave them in situ, just take any wilted looking ones - and keep an eye on the growth that's left.
15 May, 2011
One healthy one left...another one drooping this morning so have removed that one! The same thing happened some years ago...I am wondering if I should cut the whole lot back this autumn...Honeysuckle as well as clematis etc. Start again?
15 May, 2011
If it dies and you want to replace it grow the new one up through a piece of old drainpipe or an old chimney pot. The wilt spores attack at the base of the plant, and this ploy prevents them reaching it. This was told me by a gardener of a huge garden with lovely clematis- I think it was Bodnant in N Wales.
15 May, 2011
Thanks for that, Steragram.I've just checked and there is still the one solitary flower on an apparently healthy stem! Looks very forlorn!
Good tip to remember though!
16 May, 2011
Aw such a shame ,really annoying Izzy. sorry i am not sure what you should do but I just wanted to sympathise with you .
14 May, 2011