By Ricardo
United Kingdom
Hello, I'm not sure if this is a problem that is occuring Nationaly but are Viburnum tinus "Gwenllian" evergreen hedges have hardly budded at all this spring as is the same with all the hedges around are estate. Is there any chance they may be still alive or has the last winter taken it's toll on them. Would love to hear from anyone with similar problems or remedies to this.
14 May, 2011
how do you get rid of vibernham beetle on a large bush?
14 May, 2011
Spray it comprehensively with Provado Ultimate Bug Killer. Best to buy the concentrate and use it in a spray.
14 May, 2011
It is best to read about the life cycle of the beetle for the timings to spray as there is no point in doing it a the wrong time. I had to hard prune my bush in the end and then spray every bit including the trunk. I also watered provado into soil underneath and mulched with garden compost. I am having to do it again this year as there are a few still there. I do not like chemicals but the beetles decimated my shrub. I understand the beetles lay eggs late summer which overwinter, and the larvae hatch in spring. By mid-May the larvae are eating the new foliage, and in June they move down to the soil to pupate. The adults emerge in July and August. The cycle goes on!!
15 May, 2011
Most people with these kind of problems have been suffering prolonged drought after a severe winter - not sure if that's the case with you or not, but that would account for slow growth - unless its a case of Viburnum beetle infestation. Feed and water if you can - I know even Scotland's not had a lot of rain, so I'm assuming you're in the same boat.
14 May, 2011