United Kingdom
Watering Dwarf tree in pot help. Hello. I have just got a new dwarf nectarine which has a canopy of large green leafs. At least a two hundred. What I wanted to know is if my watering routine is ok. My friend watered it once every two days. It seemed to like that as it it is in full leaf and is thriving. Should I do the same? Thanks.
15 May, 2011
Thanks. I have only fed it once this year put instructions. It is not setting fruit though.
15 May, 2011
Thanks. I have only fed it once per instructions. It is not setting fruit though.
15 May, 2011
Sorry printed twice!
15 May, 2011
feed it with what Pam (fish blood and bone ?? or what)...I'm jumping in cos Boardergard and I have similar plants...and I think at similar'ish stage - I have one bud (I think it is a fruit bud but not quite sure - recently uploaded pic ...if you care to have a look) - would be very interested in feedback if you have the time
15 May, 2011
I can only say what works for me.....Liquid fertiliser, either Growmore or Miracle Grow are good basic general fertilisers.If they are young trees maybe they need to mature for another year?Are they self pollenating? So many things to consider!!!! Arggh ;)
15 May, 2011
it is supposed to be self-pollenating ...when you say Growmore or Miracle Grow do you mean adding more compost or a liquid feed of this kind that is diluted in a watering can ??? sorry to be so thick ?
15 May, 2011
The stuff you add to water diluted in a w. can.I get mine at the local garden centre.
No Dad used to nag me about all this stuff so it's thanks to him really!
16 May, 2011
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Sounds ok to me! Don't forget to feed it especially if it has fruit forming. I have an apple and a pear in pots and they get a feed every 3 weeks or so at this time of year. Yours sounds happy enough though.
15 May, 2011