By Shahida
United Kingdom
My question is not about garden but linked with it.Which camera is good to take garden pictures.I have sony and kodak easy share but I think they are basic.Sony is T70 but I am not very happy with my picture specially close up.
15 May, 2011
I use a Ricoh R8 which has a macro facility and I'm very happy with the results I get with it
15 May, 2011
I suggest you go to a specialist camera shop. Tell them what you want to do and how much you are willing to spend and ask their advice.I have found they are very helpful. This is a much better option than going to a general store and hoping for the best, and you can always go back to them for advice later if you need it. If you can't afford an SLR you can fuzz out the background to your shots by using the closeup setting and the zoom lens in combination.(Which I learned by talking to my specialist camera shop man!) You really need a tripod or at least something to rest the camera on for this method but it gives good results.
15 May, 2011
Thank you very much for the information.I have macro facility but never used it.
15 May, 2011
I use an Olympus SP 500UZ and get pretty good results.
My hobby is photography,in particular macro photography of flowers.
Here's my flickr page. All shots were taken with the SP 500 UZ and were almost all hand held. I own a tripod but rarely bother to use it.
There are two for sale (used) on Ebay at the moment
15 May, 2011
I use a Samsung WB600 compact and find it excellent. It has a SMART function which decides when macro or whatever setting is needed so is foolproof which suits me !!
16 May, 2011
It depends how much you want to get into it really - I use a DSLR, but I used to be into photography in a big way....
Two points though;
1 - big megapixels doesn't mean great pictures! It depends on how much of the frame is "metered" in auto mode.
2 - I do recommend going to an independent specialist camera shop. They're not under pressure to sell xyz because thaere is a better margin on that. Also, they know their subject. And, they usually have a range of used cameras too, which may mean more for your pound.
16 May, 2011
Thanks a lot for the help.I set the camera on Macro and took couple of close ups ,they are not bad.I have to buy a good camera and I will take help from the specialist also.Thanks once again.look the close up of patunia and cosmos and acer please.Comment, what do you think?
16 May, 2011
I cannot advise on the best camera for you but I am very happy with my Fuji Finepix - a compact camera but looks like an SLR. So stisfied that we bought Mg a similar but newer model a few weeks ago. For nice close-up pics of flowers your camera will need to have macro and super-macro focus facilities. Other refinements you can play with as you wish.
15 May, 2011