United States
Ok, first time here to see if it works. I am growing some Agastache, different types that Humming birds and bees seem to like. I was wondering how to winter them. I do not want the snow in Utah to damage them. I have heard they are not a very hardy perenial also. How many years do they last? Should I cut them back or cover them? This is the second year I have had them. The first year I just left them alone because I had no idea of what to do.
26 Oct, 2008
I did cut the old growth off last year and did it again this year. I see the base of the new growth on them so I think that is a good sigh. Last year I covered them with a little straw. We can get two feet of snow here in the valley and it does get cold. We had well over ten feet in the mountain ski resorts last year. We have been lucky with water the past few years. I live in the desert state of Utah USA, near the great salt lake. Thanks for the reply.
19 Nov, 2008
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« Some of the leaves on the Cyclamen in my porch have developed a 'gooey'...
Hi Firepainter. You must be thinking that GOY doesn't work as you haven't had any answers yet! I live across the pond in the UK so my answers would not be the same as members in the USA. I hope that one of our USA members will be able to help you!
If your Agastaches survived last year, then why not treat them the same? I cut mine back but sadly, they don't often survive the winter, so I tend to treat them as annuals.
27 Oct, 2008