United Kingdom
Don't now wots up with my toms the plant is only about 4 to 5 ins tall an starting to flower the leaves are starting to wilt any advise would be a big help o it's my first time growing them to
16 May, 2011
Are they in large enough pots, and not potbound?, it sounds as if they,re not getting either nutrients or water in sufficient quantities,and are trying to produce seed before they die.
16 May, 2011
its hard to say without more info but they do sound a bit desperate derek .
16 May, 2011
Water, water and more water, if they are starting to flower feed once a week with liquid tomato feed. Make sure pot is big enough 10 inches is a good diameter.
16 May, 2011
Can you take off some of the excess leaves to help the plant. I am not a regular tomato grower so would like to know for my own benefit as much as for Paulhampshire.
17 May, 2011
Don't remove the leaves until the plant has set fruit which is growing and you are trying to ripen. The plant needs the leaves until then. But do remove the tiny shoots that grow in the axels of the main stem and branch stem.
17 May, 2011
its the new shoots you remove anyway when apropriate if my memory serves me right . i hate tomatoes uncooked myself yak lol x .
17 May, 2011
Thank you Mg. I like tomatoes straight from the bush or cooked. It is a must have veg in our house I even buy it in tins whole or chopped.
17 May, 2011
i use them in cooking but hatethem raw . i actualy prefer tinned tomatoes and baby carrotsfrom tins myself .
17 May, 2011
I've always got tins of chopped toms. in the larder, useful in casseroles and soups.
17 May, 2011
And as pizza topping
17 May, 2011
yes much handier , cheaper andas i say better in cooking i believe .
18 May, 2011
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it mite be alack of water but im know expert sorry . some more information and a picture may help eg wear in the garden the plant is , what its growing in etc . someone will know . also what type of tomato will also be relevent . i hope ive been of help .
16 May, 2011