Cotinus Grace Bark Close upHi All
By Scottish
Cotinus Grace Bark Close up
Hi All, especially Bamboo
Here are more pictures of the offending branches. I have looked at Coral Spot on google and google images. Although the picture doesn't make it clear, these are not 'pastules' on the surface. It looks like the texture of the bark. I have taken pictures of the older stem at the bottom, which looks like it was this texture when it was younger.
The picture isn't great coz I don't have a digi cam only my iphone, which up until today was adequate!!!
Thoughts please.

16 May, 2011
am i right in believing some plants/trees naturaly look like this depending on the species bamboo ? x .
16 May, 2011
Only if I've not got my glasses on, Nosey...
16 May, 2011
16 May, 2011
Duh, I mean because the pics are blurry, lol!
16 May, 2011
Comparing your cotinus photo to mine, I would say that yours looks pretty normal.
As I said on your earlier question, I planted one of these 2 years ago and it's taken quite a while to take off. Patience!
And NP - yes, Forsythia, for instance, has spotty bark.
16 May, 2011
Thank you all for your prompt and valuable comments.
Bamboo....I will have to buy a new camera now :-)))) if I am to post anymore close ups. Also the leaves looked damaged at the tips in my earlier pictures you are right. I had put this down to frost damage. We had a frosty morning or 2 here in Edinburgh 2 weeks ago.
Beattie I have had a look at you pictures and there is a bit more foliage but other than that no much difference.
Karensusan I will give her a chance and see how she does for the rest of the summer.
I only bought this shrub for it's foliage so what damage would I be doing if I just snipped of the ends?
Sorry to be such a pest guys ;-)
16 May, 2011
I forgot Noseypotter in my thanks.....thanks
16 May, 2011
thanx scotish and deeeer im sorry bamboo we all have our blond moments and im bald lol x .
17 May, 2011
oh oh, looks like Coral spot that killed my two young Rowans last year ........
17 May, 2011
Pop along to Suntrap Garden at Gogarbank this weekend. It is having an open day and there will be a plant clinic. Take a piece with you. If it is Coral Spot they will be able to tell you.
17 May, 2011
i thaught id seen bark with these sort of little bumps on that are quit natural scotish thank you .
17 May, 2011
Cotinus bark is ridged, as you can see from the top picture - the reason I'm concerned about the other branch in the other pics is its overall orangey appearance - because the pic's blurry, I can't tell if the bumps you can just about discern are the normal ridges and bumps, or the beginnings of coral spot - if it is coral spot, that would explain why that particular branch looks orangey.
17 May, 2011
you could well be right and the yellow leaf in the top picture isnt so incouraging either bamboo x .
17 May, 2011
Thanks for all you comments everyone. I will take a 'bit' along to suntrap and their plant clinic at the weekend.
The yellow leaf in the top picture is part to the plant label.
I will report findings. I'm really paranoid now, got up earlier today (I work nightshirt) and was going around checking everything for signs of pests and disease!!!! Not that I know what I'm looking for. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing me thinks lol!!!!
17 May, 2011
well i have some bad news for you scottish . your plant label looks very illim afraid . i would move it away from all other labeles as this desease is very rampant and quit deadly . i believe its latin name is labelas hypershreddes munches ripuless deliversacasious yellownewsses paperites . its very commen and can end up quickly getting round the whole country in a day if not the world so get it quick lol . its normal living habitat is the letterbox or in whats known as a shop . it can even effect people who look at it in a derogetry way . the only possible benefit is it often comes hand in hand with lots of manure or bu%^*&it lol . just be carefull wont you lol .
18 May, 2011
NP, you are a one!! LOL!
I think they get very nasty outbreaks of labelas hypershreddes munches ripuless deliversacasious yellownewsses paperites in government offices. Just think of all those poor office windowsill plants, suffering....
18 May, 2011
Maybe you should try taking another picture of the orange stem, Scottish - your first picture of the base of the stem is reasonably clear, after all, so you might find you can manage to get a clear pic of the orangey bit with a few attempts.
18 May, 2011
senses of humerous none egsistances lol i feal . you should chill out a bit . turn thatsmile upside down lol x .thanx beattie xx .
18 May, 2011
Senses of humerous none egsistances....which plant does that affect? :-)))
18 May, 2011
none it seams to stay in the persen but it is for life im afraid scottishlol xx .
19 May, 2011
Oh, do you mean I should chill out a bit and develop a sense of humour, Noseypotter, is that aimed at me?
19 May, 2011
if the cat fits bamboo lol x .
19 May, 2011
you took a while to fallin bambboo lol x .
19 May, 2011
I only saw your response this morning, Nosey and I think I'd have quite a lot of trouble trying to get a 'cat' to fit... but hey, you're entitled to your opinion, I don't mind what you think at all.
19 May, 2011
you are who you are bamboo x.
20 May, 2011
Here's your cat hat Bamboo
20 May, 2011
20 May, 2011
Here is an update on 'Grace' for all those who bothered to take the time with advice, input, comments and humour!!
She has been to the Doctors. I took her along to the Suntrap Garden here at Gogarbank, Edinburgh. I spoke to a couple of the volunteers, 1 gardener from Oatridge College and saw their specimen.
The bark is as it should be, just a little frost damage to the tender leaves and the end of the branches. The advice given was to pinch out the remainder of the frost bitten leaves and watch her grow. There were a few healthy buds on the 'piece' I took along, so was advised to grow this on with some rooting powder etc. So with any luck this time next year I will have a 'baby' Grace!
Once again, thanks for all your help.
21 May, 2011
Phew! Glad she's OK Scottish. You could call her "Gracelet".
21 May, 2011
im guessing the cat will never fit somehow but you arewho you are and i think your a very good plantswoman so ill be the joker and you be the encyclopeia . it takes all sorts and i was only messing about as i like a laugh x .
21 May, 2011
So do I Noseypotter - we probably have a different sense of humour from one another;-))
22 May, 2011
apserlutly bamboo xx .
22 May, 2011
Well you're right, the pics aren't great, still can't see the middle one clearly, which still looks suspect, but might not be. If you've googled images and it doesn't look like that, then maybe its not Coral Spot, but the plant itself doesn't look healthy - I remember from the original set of pics that some of the leaves appeared to be damaged/infested or something, hard to tell quite what was wrong with them. If you've been watering regularly, and the plant still looks like this, I'd still be returning it to where I bought it and getting a replacement...
16 May, 2011