By Stroody
hello, how many plants or bulbs on average do you put in a normal size hanging basket?
- 17 May, 2011
As a rough guide put in one plant for every inch of basket diameter, eg a 12" basket would have 12 plants in it. However, each plant has its own spread and growth habit, so you might have to put in more or less accordingly, and it also depends whether you're planting through the sides or not.
18 May, 2011
Depends what you're planting and the size of the basket - for instance, 3 surfinia petunias and one upright fuchsia in a 12/14 inch basket is fine, but if you used different bedding, then the numbers you require would be different, and different again if you had, say, a 16 or 18 inch basket.
18 May, 2011
thats justwhat i was thinking lol x .
18 May, 2011
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not an easy answer to thisquestion as different plantsaredifferntsizesas are the baskets themselves and you can have different veriaties of bulb that grow at different times of year so you can plant more than if you were only having one type of bulb .
18 May, 2011