By Bulldog54
United Kingdom
what is the please is it bad
On plant
dont know
- 18 May, 2011
I dont think the leaves are right for Polygonaceae. Could this be from the Taraxacum Dandelion family?
18 May, 2011
It looks like a type of Dock (Rumex crispus) to me - the stock is the flowering part that spreads their seeds. In the background it looks like some Pineapple weed and some Jacobs Ladder, though it is difficult to give a definitive answer from a pic.
18 May, 2011
Just dig it out - it should have a big tap root, so get it all out if you can. Its definitely a weed, but not a serious one like Knotweed.
18 May, 2011 looks like a member of the Bistort family(Polygonaceae), but I can't place it any closer than that.
18 May, 2011