By Jo6833
United Kingdom
Please can you tell me if it is ok to keep a philadelphus manteau d'hermine in a pot or would it be better in my flower border
Kind Regards
Jo Cheesman
18 May, 2011
I have only just joined this site and would like to thank you for your speedy reply, very helpful.
18 May, 2011
and welcome to GoY - I've just got one request - can you add the region of the country you live in to your profile page - makes it easier for diagnosis and recommendation purposes. Because I don't know where you are in the country, I could make no remarks about how likely your shrub is to survive in a pot over winter.
18 May, 2011
This is a dwarf form of Philadelphus, reaching 75 cm high, but it does get twice as wide as its tall. Should be fine in a pot, but you will eventually need a pot that's 18 inches deep by the same wide as a minimum, and you will need to be rigorous about the pruning of it.
18 May, 2011