Japanese Painted Fern with rusty brown leaves
By Sb323501
United States
I have Japanese Painted fern which is turning a rusty brown on some of the leaves. What is it and how do I treat it? It is planted in an area that gets some morning sun up until about noon. I thought maybe it was getting too much sun and had considered transplanting to a shadier area. I don't think it is spores. It is not powdery. The leaves that are affected are no longer green but look dry like they might be burned. Any other suggestions?
18 May, 2011
and of course the fronds above could be the one depositing the rusty powder [spores]. It does sound like spores doesnt it Owdboggy.
18 May, 2011
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If it is on the underside of the leaves then it is normal. These are the spore cups and spores of the plants by which it propagates itself.
18 May, 2011