By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
How big does a Feverfew herb plant grow? Can I grow in in a pot?
19 May, 2011
In a pot where its watered regularly and in good compost, it'll get 2 feet wide and tall easily, probably more - in the ground in poor soil where its drier, less.
19 May, 2011
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« have at last decided to buy a gas barbecue enough for the family of 6-ish. it...
Feverfew is a bush-like perennial of the chrysanthemum family that averages 18 -24" tall and can be 2-f3 t wide it will do better in the ground. Take care it can induce headaches and a very nasty rash and does not smell good that's why I stopped growing it
19 May, 2011