Pyracantha pendularta
By Scamp
United Kingdom
my spelling may be a liitle off here but has anyone heard of this variety of pyracantha? MY parents have seen one in a friens garden and i would like to get the one for christmas. its like a standard, a tree. any ideas?
29 Oct, 2008
thankyou spritzhenry, nice pic! the friend called it a pyracantha pendularta and i too have been googling it. i think now maybe that it is basically a standard pyracantha and have found a website that does a Pyracantha Mohaveas as a standard and i am waiting for their reply. many thanks for your answer and the effort you have made. i shall let you know my outcome.
29 Oct, 2008
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It's not a shrub that I've come across, so having looked in my reference books I googled it. I came up with one called Pyracantha 'Alexander Pendula' and another in my Hillier's guide called 'P.'Golden Dome' both of which have an arching habit. I suppose that in time, the lower branches and growth could be cut off to raise the crown thus making a weeping Pyracantha. I know that this is not the answer you wanted, but I hope that it helps if no-one else knows of a 'Pyracantha pendula'.
I assume that the friend didn't know the name?
29 Oct, 2008