i have primroses and all the flowers have came of will they come back. and do i pull dry flowers of.also how many monthes do you get with them flowering. thanks
- 21 May, 2011
its bite late now but usually when the first bloom is finishing i dead head and atleast half of mine flower again. but for now like spritz said just let them die back and gain a bigger display next year - sometimes they flower again in autumn i think.
21 May, 2011
Previous question
They will flower again next spring. If they're in pots, plant them out in a corner somewhere and you'll be able to use them again. If in the soil, just leave them. They might seed themselves.
They flower for about a month or so, I'd say, in the spring. You could cut or pull the old flowers off, but it isn't necessary.
21 May, 2011