By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Ive just recieved 5 small perennial herb plugs. Ive got a large trough to put them in. Can I just put them straight into that or should I pot them on unti they are slightly larger. The herbs are Thyme, rosemary,tarragon,mint and marjoram.
21 May, 2011
From experience i would pot them up into larger pots and then plant them out when they're 3" or more high and nicely bushy.
I've planted plugs out as soon as i've had them and most of them failed to survive for whatever reason.
21 May, 2011
I just put them into small pots for them to grow a bit bigger. Thanks Louise
Yes! Julien Im definately putting the mint separate....ive learnt from past experience lol!
21 May, 2011
You can, or you could bring them on a little in larger pots, or put them in the trough, but remember to give them the space they deserve in the trough, i would sugest keeping the mint seperate as this will spread all over the trough, either pot it up on its own or sink the pot into the trough, julien.
21 May, 2011