My hibiscus is invested with plant lice, the lady in the gardencentre asked me if they were black, but I really don't know, some of them are whitish, greenish and some black, so I would say any kind of lice, I've sprayed today some poison she gave me, but meanwhile would like to know if someone knows a better solution. Also tried cleaning spiritus with soap to no avail. Thankfull though that up till now no other flowering plants are invested.
21 May, 2011
its not thesoapy water doesnt work its that it only kills the green fly/aphids that are on the plant . consider that aphids are actualy born pregnant and give live birth every hour of there life and they normaly have a bodygaurd of ants makes it a constant battle not something you can ever win . dont worry thow its still worth it or there wouyldnt be so many gardeners .
21 May, 2011
they sound like aphids or green fly or both .
21 May, 2011