Yucca gloriosa
By Yucca
United Kingdom
I put my yucca outside for the first time ever this Summer. Would like some advise please on what I should do with it during the Winter months. Should I bring it inside again. It is about 5 ft high and 3 ft wide and has never flowered, in fact I didn't realise they did flower. I have a greenhouse. Look forward to hearing from you
30 Oct, 2008
Many thanks for you advice John. I intend to follow your advice. We have lots of fleece doing nothing in our potting shed, so will use that. Thanks again.
30 Oct, 2008
I have a variegated yucca gloriosa and most years, it only starts to throw up a flowering spike in October which then gets clobbered by the first frost. This year, it made one spike in September which bloomed and is now over, one at the end of the month that is currently fully open and is now trying another one (which probably won't make it).
They may flower in the UK but usually leave it too late in the season to be successful
30 Oct, 2008
The Spanish dagger yucca is a beautiful specimen but can be temperamental. They do like full sun and are only half hardy. If your greenhouse is heated then no problem just bring it in there. If it is not heated (and with the current cost of fuel that is getting more common nowadays) then it really depends where you are in the UK (people never tell that). If you are in the west country or maybe even right on the south coast you would probably get away with it in a cold greenhouse or if you like living dangerously you may even get away with just tying it up and fleecing it. If you are further north and/or east I would put some fleece round it as well as putting it under glass. If you are in an area of extra cold winters by UK standards I would have it back as a house plant.
30 Oct, 2008