By Adoons
Is there a spell check on this site???
21 May, 2011
No what you can do is use word or something similar to type either to ask or answer a question use spell check then cut and paste to the site
21 May, 2011
No spell check but if you are running windows 7 highlight the word, right click and that acts has a spell check.
21 May, 2011
It might make a difference to some contributions if there was. I've had trouble deciphering quite a few, from time to time. Trouble is, most spell checkers would query plant names, especially the latin versions.
21 May, 2011
...there is a spell's American!
...but what does it matter?...we all have a rough idea what we
21 May, 2011
I have a spell checker on Firefox which is very good and am slowly adding Latin plant names to it as I type them in. It works on here too? If you use Firefox then search Addons for British English Dictionary.
21 May, 2011
I use Safari and a Mac. can spell check anything!
21 May, 2011
Botanical names...ok...the Latin is translated differently according to the the linguistics of each european language...they don't all do Oxford or Cambridge!
This site flags words like, 'coloured', as computer will ever sort that...
...ce comme ca..... (sorry, there are no bits on my pooter to add the nec. accents, etc)
21 May, 2011
I use a spell checker on my searcher for odd words. I also find when I revisit entries that I have sometimes just typed in error and not noticed.
There may be other reasons some contributors do not spell/ explain correctly Beattie and it would be a shame to discourage them, the late Derek was one that comes to mind.
21 May, 2011
i just excuse my bad spelling as im dyslexic and i manage fine and most people on here will always help you so i shouldnt worry to much .
21 May, 2011
Actually I find the lack of grammar in some postings more of a problem than bad spelling. But then as an ex-primary school teacher I should be used to both I suppose.
22 May, 2011
There was a question recently where all the letters were present in more or less the right order, butth espac eswer eputinr and oml yandit wasincr di blyd if ficul ttor ead.
22 May, 2011
We musn't forget that some people have a problem with words (take Nosey for instance and others) and why do we always have to be correct on here? Lets just enjoy our love of gardening and stop trying to be correct all the time. Must admit I would like a spell check at times but then, as Karen says, we all know really what others mean.
22 May, 2011
Thanks Noseypotter that is exactly what I was referring to.
Not everyone was blessed with a good English language teacher either Owdboggy.
I just enjoy members efforts on here as long as they are polite and not trying to 'run' the site I dont mind being corrected (as I sometimes am) either. I also find I have learnt what response to expect from most members and those I find unacceptable I tend to avoid, those members I find do not tend to stay that long either.
We all need encouragement and understanding.
22 May, 2011
Hear hear Drc, although I am offended if corrected because of the very nature of people trying to 'run' this site and think they know it all, it drives me to distraction, and I also was not blessed with 'good' teachers but i ended up teaching disabled and special needs children with very many difficulties so I understand their needs and others needs too. Politeness is learnt from home not school!
22 May, 2011
While I agree we teach our children to be polite in the home we must also expect them to meet with it in society, sadly I find that manners and politeness are not fashionable and the amount of swearing nowadays! I was taught that swearing is lack of confidence in not having language skills and or bullying.
22 May, 2011
Its sad isnt it that 'swearing' is being more and more accepted even on TV/films etc.
22 May, 2011
I normally can read through what people mean and say even if spelling is incorrect, then again I use to be a copy typist which was my job to correct the written letter, written by my bosses, even I make spelling errors but then I am not in an exam. As for grammer the pc was invented not to put comma s full stops which does make things slightly harder to read which messes the grammer up, as then people write how they speak not how they would normally write.
I recall a great big argument occuring on another site over grammer and punctuation, which lead to a lot leaving and they were long term members perticularly the men, now they are left with them selves and wishing they had new ones comming on ha, we are on a garden site not in an exam, the net is where people like to escape from the pressures put on them in life. At the end of it all it just shows how bad our education system is now compared with years ago, which I did state to a mps husband last week when delivering my prescription. The teachers are not being taught correctectly which was discussed on radio a few years ago.
22 May, 2011
That is it 6d, you have hit the nail on the head!! We write on here (and on other sites too) as we speak! Thats it, so we must try to accept one another, warts and all.
22 May, 2011
It is Grandmage but if its good enough for Princess Anne, Prince Charles then people will think its good enough in soceity even though they don't swear to the extent the tv is now, just like one parents, drugs, booze the goverment encorage it all then blame the people, how many comdeians and pop stars do the goverment invited into number 10 that openly have said they take drugs, or even go to see their shows which is supporting this. They were even discussing how comidians are very few and far between now just swearing thats all they can do to get a laugh which is sad.
22 May, 2011
Here here Grandmage as we do in life so be it here.
22 May, 2011
I dont think its appropriate to mention having seen members on other sites surly that's for the members to disclose or not?
22 May, 2011
Sorry Denise but this is a world wide web if people did nt want others to know they should then alter their name, I have deleted it to satisfy you but even the web is un touchable by law of discloseing people at present as you would of heard on the news with the footballer trying to stop twitter revealing his relationship. I am so glad I shall soon be leaving this site for good and if I return to the net this is one site I shall not be returning to. Seems its ok to be quized about my disabilty when I first came on here, and no objections from the monitors, but not to mention another person on another site how hypocritical.
22 May, 2011
Do some people go on lots of gardening sites then? I have a hard enough time keeping up with this one!
22 May, 2011
Yes they do Moongrower, Spritz also Louise has just admitted on here goy they do, so I m not telling any thing that is nt already free to read on this site also lots of others too.
22 May, 2011
I must take out a super injunction to stop you all telling that I also go onto the SRGC site!!!!!
22 May, 2011
No further comment from me on this.
22 May, 2011
If you type your username into google, every site you are a member of in that name comes up, there's nothing private on the net.. as for spelling i also type how i think it is spelt into google, not very often tho as lifes to short lol...
22 May, 2011
Ah well I only use Moon_grower on this site. Like Bulba I do visit the SRGC site but rarely post :-)
22 May, 2011
Lol Bulbaholic now it is illegal as of the 5th of May for any site to place a tracking cookie on you too the site would now have to ask your permission as a lot of sites and gardensites do have tracking cookies on us.
22 May, 2011
In answer to the original question, maybe we could all use a good old fashioned dictionary!!
The end.
22 May, 2011
if you think my spellings bad you shouldsee my actual writing itsworse than some 3 year olds . i canteven join the letters . my grammeris ok but not special . the schools want there factory workers and i rebelledrealy and hated school thow i went to collage to learn catering i loved english and learned more basicly every friday at 2pm for 2 hours than i did in the whole top and middleschool . as for typing names you should try leigh or nosey potter on google . i think i own the first couple of pages lol .
here here grandmage i totaly hate people thinking there better than you or speaking down to you . i also hate it when i right an answer thats right andsomeone just rights egsactly the same thing in differentwords as if i dont egsist . understandable if thereare loads of answersalready but not when theres just one or two .
i realy wonder wear a lot and i definatly dont mean everyones sense of humer has gone . its like you have sworn when you try and havea laugh . everyone to there own i guess but a smileandalaugh is actualy good for you realy .the worlds turning to s*&t i think . kate moss has madea living out of sniffing coke and having a junky boyfriend . most models are gone bye her age . i guess any advertising isadvertising . i actualy use my manners and dont swear on here f*&^*ng much as it p*&%$s me of when people are b*^%$y rude lol . if i talked as normal then i do swear a bit joking aside but dont we all at least sometimes . i still agree theres to much swearing and sex etc on tv to early and i am know prude believe it or not with my wonderfull little halo lol yet they quit happily show operations and nasty war stuffall threw the day . i watched a 15 certificate film the other day called kick ass and theres a girl on there know more than 13 using the C word in her very first line .its that im more worried wear this will end . as for the internet its always a double edged sword writing your details down anywear on the net . im not botherd infact im trying to advertise and ive got nothing to hide mostly . rite im done lol and a lot of good points braught up here . on the other hand i dont like the fact that when you send private messages on here there not private as there made out to be thow i think it needs policing they should just be more honestabout it .
22 May, 2011
But at least Leigh your an artist and a brilliant one at that.
22 May, 2011
Wow, what a can of worms I opened, please do understand my question, it was NOT to criticize any ones spelling, it was only because English is not my first language, so I am a little self conscious using English. Thats all, cross my little evil heart. heh, heh.
Thx. for the tip on high lighting the word & right click, works like a damn.
I enjoy this site, really I know some of us are not "A" players, but who cares, lets just carry on, we all have one thing in common.............................we adore our gardens. So lighten up U great gardeners. LOL!!!!!!!!!
22 May, 2011
Lol Adoons well its got a lot out in the open don't worry I don't think your comment was taken like you think it was to reassure you we don't mind spelling mistakes like some might, as you say lighten up and carry on with enjoying gardening far more to life than spelling :o)).
22 May, 2011
I'm amazed that only one reply suggested using a dictionary - its quicker than a lot of the other solutions, and English dictionaries speak English which is more than you can say for Microsoft.
22 May, 2011
thanx sixpence .
no adoons you just got people to say as they felt it would of happend at some time oranother .
23 May, 2011
Your welcome Noseypotter and thank you also for the info about our private messages being read, which I already suspected.
23 May, 2011
your welcome sixpence x .
23 May, 2011
23 May, 2011
Previous question
On, ni, mo, no! The best you can do if you want to spell check a posting is to write a word document, spell check it and then copy and paste. I do this for any blogs I post but can't be bothered when answering questions.
21 May, 2011