United Kingdom
I have an Acer which appears to have small brown flats bugs on the trunk which leave white fluffy sticky substance. It is causing the leaves to fall off, any suggestions. I have tried to remove the bugs and washed to branches, but no really helping
21 May, 2011
I've had the same problem on a lemon tree and a cordyline.
The little lemon tree was wrapped up for the winter. Unfortunately, I got to it too late and lost it.
When I saw them on the cordyline I treated it immediately, with thiaclopride (Bayer).
I was told, in the garden shop, not to wet the plant...as these bugs love humidity.
It took more than one treatment and I took pleasure in squashing the last few...but they're gone, thank goodness!
If you are against using chemicals, try spraying the plant with cooking oil. The insects then can't adhere.
22 May, 2011
I also have Provado. Hopefully that should do the job. Of course you could try hosing them off if you so wish.
22 May, 2011
Sounds like Scale insect, julien.
22 May, 2011
thanx so much karenfrance trouble is its right up in my acer tree so i treat the lower acer plants and blast the tree ones of which land in bleech that i clean thedog run in . itsworth knowing they like damp never the less x .
22 May, 2011
They are scale insects, and by the time you see the white fluffy stuff they have gone.
22 May, 2011
thats worth knowing to steragram .itsa pitty asthere more obvious when therewhite but thanxanyway x .
23 May, 2011
My pleasure, noseyp :)
28 May, 2011
29 May, 2011
i have had the same problem on my acers . i also hose of the beasties as they can if theres enough kill the plant . ive used `provado ultimate bug kuiller on mine as like you say they keep comming back . its still worth putting on some rubber gloves and squashing them thow . soapy water helps to . the bug killer kills all sorts of bugs . i actualy dont like using insecticides but i just couldnt watch them geteaten . i hope this helps take care bye for now .
21 May, 2011