I have made a border at the front of my garden am looking to know what kind of flowers that are not high on hight but has the best show of flowers all summer.tried primrose they where perfect but i didnt realise they didnt last all summer. thanks
21 May, 2011
In sun or shade, Rebecca? Busy Lizzies can do well in either provided you can keep them watered.
21 May, 2011
id imagine if you want colour all summer wear ever you arte you will need a mixture of different plants mixed together .
21 May, 2011
True, Noseypotter, if you are talking about perennials. However, there are a number of annuals that will bloom all summer even here, where "summer" is nearly 7 months long.
22 May, 2011
cool im know expert thow id still like the cgange i think myself . im more of a shrup man as in i like the look of the plant . if i do get flowers thats just an added bonus . my faverite flower i get in my garden is my globeartichoke . the bees get so drunk they stay the night sometimes . they dont even buzz properly . i like the stunning blue against the rugged tough look of the plant . beauty and the beast . a bit like me realy lol .
22 May, 2011
To give you any answer that is likely to be helpful we need to know not just which country you are in but where in the country. For example my profile says 'Moray'.
22 May, 2011
Hi Rebecca,
Your primroses will come back, next year...so don't dog them up!
I don't know how big your border is, but, if you can...
...buy just a few perennial shrubs/plants at a time, throughout the summer. Garden centres tend to get plants in just before they're about to be at their most beautiful.
That way, you will always have some colour in your border, even if it is not all at the same time. Actually, it's quite nice waiting to see each of your plants to come into bloom!
It's a bit dearer than buying little plants early in the season - but you'll know exactly what you've got and when it'll flower.
Alternatively, you could put in annuals - eg.geraniums (pelargoniums) can bloom all summer and are not too thirsty.
Good luck!
22 May, 2011
Hi Rebecca, how about trying, Heuchera, Hellebore, bergenia, Japanese anenome, even alpine plants, Lilies, there are many plants you could enjoy growing and experimenting with, just have fun.
22 May, 2011
Rebecca, can you go back to your profile page and put in where you live? We also need to know is your border shady or sunny, dry or moist.
22 May, 2011
Approximately where in the world are you from, Rebecca? A lot will depend on how hot your summers actually are. For instance, only about 10% of those that will work in the UK will also work in my extreme Arizona desert garden!
21 May, 2011