United Kingdom
How to rejuvinate a basket-bound Vinca 'Illumination'? This plant has been in this quite deep 14" basket for several years in sun, drought and gale, and a superbly performing feature year round. This summer however it looks not quite so good. Is it just its old age and time to replace, or can I give it new life? I feel I have three options: The first is to remove from basket, tease out probably very congested roots, and replant it in a 2 ft wide barrel tub in full shade. The second is to replant similarly into a 14" square planter in full sun. And the third is to remove it from basket and chop it up with an old bread knife to a much reduced size, and then replant into a new basket in its original site? Is there hope and a use for it yet, or should I throw away and buy another one? I highly recommend this plant. Advice much appreciated.

22 May, 2011
I'd turn it out, cut it in half and replant one of the halves in the basket - but make sure you keep it extremely well watered until it's recovered. Pot the other one up and keep well watered in case the one in the basket just can't hang onto enough water to survive properly after the trauma.
22 May, 2011
It sounds a bit like hoping conjoined twins survive after seperation. It would be good to have two plants out of the one to increase stock. I bet it will be like sawing in half a reluctant iron octopus! I will give one half a go in the windy and sunny site, and try the other half in the shady and sheltered spot, and hope for them both. I'm not sure I will want to take cuttings though. A very slow process of patience. But I certainly will trim in early spring, as I think is best for all Vincas. (Apologies for 'darkness' of my photo. Rather an ominous atmosphere I feel. It made me think of that film 'The Omen')!
22 May, 2011
As its growing in a basket, you might be able to pull it apart into halves, Jonathan, but otherwise, it's a job for the trusty breadknife...
22 May, 2011
Cuttings from Vinca take really easily, so you don't need to throw it away - you could have loads more, and so could your friends. :-)
I find Vinca's almost indestructible - you could do any of the options you propose and it would be OK. Or you could just trim off the tired looking bits.
In future years you might like to give the plant a bit of a haircut as it comes into growth in spring. It will just keep it a bit tidier, but it's not essential.
22 May, 2011