By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have lots of daffodil and tulip bulbs in pots and have left all the leaves to die down but what should I do now -do I keep on watering the pots and do they need any feed or do I just leave them dry?
22 May, 2011
No need to water or feed once the leaves have died back. Are these little clay pots or big pots/containers?
22 May, 2011
I usually leave them to dry in the garage or greenhouse and leave them until the spring when you will see new growth, it is then I start to water and bring the pots outside again, they never seem to fail.
22 May, 2011
Thanks for this - they are in various size plastic pots . As don't have garage keep them over winter either in their pots in the passage beside the house or take them out and put them in nets (like the ones oranges come in) and hang the nets somewhere dry. seems to work ok for small bulbs but tulip bulbs too big - are they better lifted?
22 May, 2011
I'd just leave them in the pots Sunbeam and plant other stuff over the top of them. The bulbs will be several inches down in the soil by now. It is amazing how bulbs will actually drag themselves down to the depth they need to be at if planted too shallowly.
22 May, 2011
And up if they like to be baked on the surface. I find Nerine bulbs lift themselves out of the ground, and so do cyclamen.
22 May, 2011
Oh yes the corms of cyclamen like to sit half out of the ground.
22 May, 2011
thanks a lot for this - saves me all the work of taking them out and then finding somwhere to put them! They can all live in the passage
22 May, 2011
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I would give them regular liquid feeds from when they finish flowering until the leaves are spent and fall off, so the bulbs can build back up again. Then you can let the pots go dry and lift and store the bulbs, or replant them straight away in the ground.
22 May, 2011