By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I just been to earth up my spuds which im growing in sacks, two of the plants are the same size and ive earthed them up to the top leaves but the third plant in there is a lot smaller than the other two. Will it grow if I cover it to the same level as the larger ones.
23 May, 2011
NOW we know, Cookygirl! No excuses now for us!
Thanks MG.
23 May, 2011
Thanks moon! yes definately no excuses Izzy lol!
23 May, 2011
Have fun growing your potatoes girls
23 May, 2011
:-))) ....We'll let you time!
23 May, 2011
You better lol!
23 May, 2011
Previous question
« I am starting up my greenhouse for the first time & would like to know: Do I...
Yes the stalk will continue to push up through the soil. B often covers our completely when he is earthing up and they all reappear.
23 May, 2011