By Karenfrance
Ideas on rampant climbing plants...
Hi everyone,
I have a large grill panel (erected to hide a raised septic tank filter bed-not pretty!), which incorporates an archway on the corner of the house. The panel is 2m high x 5m long, plus the archway. The idea was to put fast growing leafy climber/s to work!
Earlier in the year, I put in a russian vine (I don't mind keeping it under control!) but the sun was low then and I didn't realise that in summer it would be in full sun all day. The russian vine is not doing well and is putting all its energy into flowering.
Any ideas for a climber which will cover the screen quickly and will not can be flowering or not...but it has to be a clinger, not a sticker.
Also, I can probably get away with a frost hardy plant.
23 May, 2011
Thanks Steve...but...
I'm really looking for something perennial...the filter bed is really an eyesore and annuals just take too long to get going.
On top of that, hubby has taken 5 year contract in Africa (I'm only going for the winter months!), so have to have something already stirring when I get back...really need it in the ground this season....
...not ideal, I know, but someone will look after whilst I'm away... got any more ideas?...there's got to be something!!
23 May, 2011
Climbing hydrangeas cling, would that be any good ?
23 May, 2011
yes, they'd be lovely....but, unfortunately, they don't like full sun...:(
23 May, 2011
..I'm sort of looking for...something which will look like...a thin plant wall...which thrives in full sun...
...perhaps it doesn't exist...but I don't really believe that...!
23 May, 2011
Clematis like their roots in shade and their heads in sun. Caroline Jasmine is a fast growing evergreen climber with twining tendrils and yellow trumpet flowers in spring it prefers full sun. Passiflora caerulea - blue.You might find these worth looking at
23 May, 2011
Eccremocarpus scaber?
Mine was evergreen even through that last winter, and grows like there's no tomorrow!
23 May, 2011
Thx, Drc!
Have had varying results with passiflora - but will look at Caroline it vigorous?
23 May, 2011
It says fast growing on the info I have KF. I wonder if you would be happier with a climber growing through another?
23 May, 2011
Drc...I don't mind how many I have to plant...and I like that plant through plant thing...what do you suggest?
23 May, 2011
Hi Meanie! knowledge of your suggestion!...can you tell me more, please?
23 May, 2011
A climbing rose can work well with a Clematis, I thought about you planting two climbers near the base such as a strong-growing climbing rose with perhaps a less vigorous clematis or honeysuckle, the rose will provide support for the other climber to cling to. But it depends where you are in France possibly? I was rather hoping Bamboo would see your question as It sounds like her thing?
23 May, 2011
Cut and paste the link in my original answer for more on E.scaber.
It has a long flowering season, mine was in bloom at the beginning of April this year.
The link below shows what can be done with Jasmine over a number of years........
24 May, 2011
Thank you, Meanie-your pictures are wonderful! I've seen Chilean Glory Flowers in the larger GCs here...but, I always considered them to be annuals and, as so, a little expensive. However, from what you say, there's a good chance that it would last here.
Thanks too, Drc, I like your ideas too...
...a special trip to the big city required to see which of them I can find...
24 May, 2011
...just one more thought though...would I need more than one of each plant (whichever suggestion I can find)?
24 May, 2011
Depends on the area and how fast that you want it covered really.....
The Jasmine arch was one plant.
24 May, 2011
Area is around...2m(high)x5/6m(long)'s quite big.
what do you think...?
24 May, 2011
Ultimately, two plants would be enough.
How cold do you get over the winter?
There is an early flowering Clematis that would look quite good with this (maybe cirrhosa Drc?), but I'm not really into Clematis so tend to stay quiet on them.
If it was mine, I would have to make room for this somehow too.......
Plus a Jasmine for the arch maybe?
24 May, 2011
Hi Meanie,... we can get very cold... -14 for days on end...but, the roots would be fairly sheltered....and our winter is much shorter than in the UK.....and have found that other plants, not expected to manage, can still flourish here... going to go for it, if I can find them x 2!
24 May, 2011
An absolute doddle from seed Karen!
24 May, 2011
If you want a quick summer solution try something like morning glory or one of the other climbing annuals
23 May, 2011