By Angel1982
United Kingdom
is perriwinkle part of the privet family? My Mum is allergic to privet - it brings her out in an itchy rash if she comes into contact with it - she has perriwinkle in her garden and has noticed a similar reaction with this.
- 25 May, 2011
Ah, so that's why you wanted to know, lol! Our reactions to various plants can be unpredictable - I react to certain conifers if I brush against them, but not all. Now, if only I could remember which ones give me trouble...
25 May, 2011
They are in two different families but, as SBG has already said, may container similar chemicals.
25 May, 2011
Previous question
they may have similar chemicals in them even if not related. poor mum.
25 May, 2011