By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I would like to create a small cottage garden area ..I am a beginner to all garden aspects and would like to know what cottage garden plants to plant ..something which will come every year and is low maintenance foolproof and easy to grow with big colour.The area is sunny.
Asked from the GoYpedia
hanging basket plants page
25 May, 2011
Hi Kate nothing is fool proof in gardening you will win some and loose some.
I think how well you prepare the site is also important before planting. I also grow the above and would add (for you to consider?) Erysimum (perennial wallflowers) Hardy Geraniums, Dahlias, Aqualiga and Allium 'purple sensation' and Anemone De Caen and finallly Asters (for late summer colour).
Why not visit a garden near you open to the public that has flower beds to look at and you can see how planting arrangements work or not.
Its a good idea to identify your soil type and conditions and choose plants to flower at different months of the summer, you might like to plant spring bulbs to?
When I started my first garden I used to walk around the area to see what others were growing and if I liked them.
25 May, 2011
...that's a damned good answer, Drc!
You can, sooo, tell what what's possible from what your neighbours have flourishing!
25 May, 2011
Thanks Karen, it helped me a lot in starting my first garden.
25 May, 2011
thankyou this have been very helpfull :)
26 May, 2011
there are loads of plants to chose from. if you scroll to the bottom of the page and then click on C then select cottage garden plants and you will find lots of plants to chose from.
personally I like oriental poppies, delphiniums, bearded iris, penstemons, foxgloves, scabious, phlox to name a few i grow.
25 May, 2011