By Paul62
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
help please, about 18 months ago i took over an allotment, whilst clearing it i came across a tub containing a fine white powder, im 99%sure its not lime, it wont mix with water, does anyone have any idea as to what it could be, or if theres a way testing to find out what it is
26 May, 2011
could it be fish/blod/bonemeal? is it a fine powder? if in doubt dont use it.
26 May, 2011
You don't know what it is so I would suggest that you take it to the Local Authority disposal site and give it them to get rid of.
26 May, 2011
Hi there,
Uummmm a tub of White powder could be anything from ant killer to hormone rooting powder, I woudnt risk keeping it, unless you can ask the last owner.
Happy gardening.
27 May, 2011
further to my question, the tub its in is quite a large tub, the powder is very fine like flour and is white
27 May, 2011
As others have said, could be anything - recycling centre I suggest - not only do you not know what it is, it may be old, and chemicals do break down and may become toxic over time, even if they weren't to start with.
27 May, 2011
White powder - make sure that the local Mafia boss doesn't come looking for it :-(
27 May, 2011
Ha ha, Bulbaholic - yea, I wouldn't recommend getting out the mirror and straw either...
27 May, 2011
If it won't mix with water it's probably no use to you, or the plants, get rid and make space for something that is!!
27 May, 2011
thanks for all the responses, i think the best thing to do is as someone suggested, take it to be disposed of,
28 May, 2011
Drop a bit in some vinegar, if it is lime it will fizz.
26 May, 2011