By Fredbt
United Kingdom
I grow trailing fuchias for making up hanging baskets for family and friends. I try to overwinter them in the greenhouse with reasonable success and then take cuttings in March. This year I have had a major problem
in May, whereby the the newest growth has become
crinkly and mis-shapen. I cannot see any pests even with a magnifing glass. Some varieties are worse than others, Swingtime and Voodoo being badly affected whereas Jack Shahan is much less damaged.
It has been suggested that it is probably CAPSID bug
but I would welcome any other advice.
27 May, 2011
It's just occurred to me that, if you mean the leaves are distorted and puckered rather than pleated, that could be irregular water supply...
27 May, 2011
Capsid infestation produces small indentations in the leaves which eventually drop out and become holes, so the leaf can look distorted because of that, but what you're describing doesn't sound like that. When you say crinkly, do you mean almost pleated? If so, that's temperature fluctuation - a sudden drop of temperature when the leaves are very small or just opening can cause the leaves to pleat in this way.
27 May, 2011