Unknown Shrub
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
I didn't know that this was lurking at the back of the wide border behind the huge Phormium - please does anyone know what it is? This is only one branch - it is quite large!

5 Mar, 2008
Have you ever noticed any flowers on it spritz? How tall is it and what aspect?
5 Mar, 2008
It looks like a 'Holly Fuchsia'. I found this link to a photo which looks like the same leaf shape? What do you think. It says it does well in shade so I wouldn't be surprised if it had been lurking at the back of the border....
5 Mar, 2008
Not a Mahonia - not quite right and no flower spikes at all, or the Australian one - that says frost tender, so can't be. Thanks for the thoughts, though. Andrew, I don't know about flowers as I've only just found it. It is definitely evergreen, looks very healthy so it must be hardy, it's about 5- 6' max tall and quite wide spreading - at least 7' across. I saw that it had been cut back at the base - there's a large branch cut through about 3" in diameter some time ago. Now I've found it I shall be climbing up the wall and diving behind the Phormium at regular intervals to see if it does flower. The border faces east but this shrub is sheltered by a decent fence and in front by the Phormium and Pampas grass. I suppose it is in shade mostly. Any thoughts at present - shall I take a close-up of the leaves? Although they look spiky, they aren't really.
5 Mar, 2008
And check the undersides of the leaf - is it green as well? Or white?
5 Mar, 2008
Looks like some sort of Euonymus to me - are the undersides of the leaves pale and sort of powdery?
6 Mar, 2008
No. Sorry. I'm mistaken. Just looked it up and Euonymus has oposite leaves. Your shrub looks to have alternate leaves. Does look familier though.....
6 Mar, 2008
Looks like a Mahonia to me Spritz.
5 Mar, 2008