By Teabaglil
United Kingdom
hi again, i know to some of you this might sound a silly question... but here goes, we are growing beetroot and i love baby beetroot leaves ... but if we cut the leaves off now while they are still small will the beetroot still grow or would we damage it and stop it from growwing, thanks.
29 May, 2011
what i should do as aposed to pulling them all of just thin each one out a little . it shouldnt hurt . just dont take the central growing bud or to many of each beetroot . its not silly bye the way lol .
29 May, 2011
wow pam you must of red my mind , great timing lol xx .
29 May, 2011
I think Pam has given you the perfect solution. You will also only want the beet eaves when they are small so picking from half your crop you will get a succession of small leaves.
29 May, 2011
thanks for your replys.... i will try that pam, i should of thought about that myself lol easy when you know how, thanks again, one day i might be able to help some one out with a question instead of always being the one to ask all the time lol.
29 May, 2011
It wasn't and isn't a silly question. Far better that you asked than not and it keeps us occupied.
29 May, 2011
glad to be of assistance! ;)
29 May, 2011
ditto x .
30 May, 2011
Two possible solutions! Why don't you wait til the plants have 4or 5 leaves each and take one or two leaves from each one OR grow half of your crop for leaves and not worry about the beets themselves and the other half for the beets?
29 May, 2011