By Abbey
United Kingdom
my seven foot cordyline has got no green leaves at all this year.each leaf is dried up and brown is it dead or dying is there anything i can do.would hate to lose it had it since it was a foot tall.
29 May, 2011
Give it time to shoot out, too. It may take until July to sprout. Light feeding with a slow release plant food, such as Growmore, will speed this somewhat.
30 May, 2011
Check the trunk from top to bottom - you're looking for soft or soggy or blackened areas. You'll probably find its soft at the top at least, but check the whole thing for other soft areas and wherever the lowest one is, cut the whole thing down past that point, even if that means right down to the ground. It should shoot from the roots or any remaining stem once you've done that - damage from the severe winter has caused the problem.
29 May, 2011