By Preecem
United Kingdom
Hi, could you please advise which evergreen plants would be most suitable and easy to grow in an area of my garden that only sees the sun first thing in the morning then is in the shade for the rest of the day. The soil is ericaceous. Thanks
29 May, 2011
Also you may consider the following, Escalonia, camelia, magnolia stelata, azalea, rhodis all will do well in this situation, julien.
29 May, 2011
Magnolia stellata is deciduous though - but well worth waiting for!
29 May, 2011
Skimmias would do well there - most are male and female plants, so you'd need a male for the females to produce berries, or choose Skimmia reevesiana, which will produce berries on its own. Mahonia aquifolium (not japonica), Prunus Otto Luyken, Pieris varieties - a smaller one is Pieris 'variegata' with variegated leaves, slow growing, smaller than most. Sarcococca varieties, Euonymus fortunei varieties. No pruning necessary with any of these, although some of the Sarcoccocas do produce suckers at ground level which need to be removed. Japanese Acers too, as in Acer palmatum dissectum, though these are not evergreen.
29 May, 2011