By Blandford
United Kingdom
What exactly does "spreading roots" mean when applied to certain forms of Berberis? can these plants grow successfully in gaps between the pation stones? How far do the roots spread?
- 29 May, 2011
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I would interpret the term 'spreading roots' to mean just that - that they'll be quite far reaching.
As a guide, look at the plants ultimate height and width details (assuming you've read-up on your plant) and the roots will probably be as wide as the plant's going to be, on maturity.
As for being suitable plants to go into gaps between stones ..... it really depends on how large a gap you've allowed - again, look at the plants ultimate width and that will give you the answer.
Some people purposely leave patio slabs out of place for this very reason so if your gap is about 2' then perhaps one of the smaller berberis would fit in there.
29 May, 2011